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Written in the Stars

Receiving a personal reading brings light to hidden or overlooked aspects of any situation. Giving clarity on how to resolve any situation for the best outcome. You can select one of the two, or receive a tarot & astrology combination reading.


Personal discovery and understanding can be attained in the areas of: *Love *Relationships *Career *Life Purpose *Saturn Return *Struggles and Pains *Children and Family *Astrology *Dark Night of the Soul *Predictive Divination * health


Different mediums that can guide in these areas include: Oracle & Tarot / Astrology birth-chart/ Divination/ Energy Reading.

Astrology Readings

An astrology ready is perfect if you want to learn more about your self or events and people resounds you. The question can be regarding anything, as long as it involves working with just one horoscope or birth chart.Once you book, you can leave your birth details including time and place in the contact form. Ask the question and include a description of the current situation regarding it, using the birth details of just 1 person per session.


Tarot Card Readings

Receive a divination consultation. Popular topics to receive answers and guidance are Love; Work / Business; Money; Trauma; Health; Family; Ascension progress; Ancestry; Guides and Life path.

Image by Kayla Maurais

Chakra Healing

The body triggers unpleasant symptoms when unbalanced. The Chakras can become blocked as a result of illness, stress, environmental issues, bad diet, and unhealthy lifestyle patterns. When such an imbalance occurs, our body’s natural energy flow is disrupted, leaving us vulnerable to disease. Energy healing activates, energizes and rebalances the Chakras. Crystals and gemstones help to realign the body’s vibrations; they both help to cleanse and to heal. With my guidance, you can achieve both your vitality & wellness goals.

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