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Integrative Trauma Recovery & Healing

Anyone who has experienced trauma will know that it can be very emotionally painful, and can elicit feelings of terror, shame, helplessness, loss of self, and powerlessness. Sometimes we do not remember our trauma as it has been lodged deep within our subconscious yet we still feel the effects of it way into adulthood. We might not quite understand why certain feelings arise or  circumstances happen the way they do or keep repeating themselves within our day to day lives.

People respond to trauma in different ways. The same event may be more traumatic for some people than for others. 

All of the services listed in the trauma recovery category are also a list of personal struggles I have lived through and experienced firsthand. I am using the very techniques that have helped me through my challenges and healing process.

How is emotional trauma treated?

To overcome emotional triggering and the replaying of trauma patterns, it is necessary to discharge, disable, and eliminate negative internal thoughtforms and prevent new ones from forming. There are ways of healing emotional wounds and getting rid of self-defeating subconscious mind programming that generates negative internal thoughtforms:


Image by Krystal Ng

(CP) Completion Process

Image by Krystal Ng

Emotional Vipassana

Image by Daniele Levis Pelusi

Voice Dialogue

Image by James Lee

Somatic Experiencing

Get the most from your healing by booking multiple sessions

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1 Sessions


3 Sessions


6 Sessions

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12 Sessions

Topics of Healing

The Primal Wound of Adoption

Understanding Adoption trauma and how to heal from it

The Primal wound is a wound that has physical emotional psychological and spiritual components, which causes pain so profound and so deep, it goes beyond any preconceived concept understood by mainstream psychology. To my opinion the perception of adoption from mainstream psychology is very limited and to a certain degree, misunderstood. The difference is that mainstream psychology  doesn't look at adoption from a holistic point of view.

To be able to grasp its profound impact on an individual, it's important to understand its layers and phases. 

Adoption trauma has many phases in the adoption process, such as:


1- Pre-natal stress:

The stress that the mother is experiencing while pregnant with her child.


2- Birth trauma

The trauma at birth.


3- Trauma from separation from their birth parents at a young age.


4- Trauma at the adoption facility.


5- Integration trauma into the new adoptive family.


6- Lateral trauma cause from unresolved issue from adoptive parents.


7- Trauma of not being validated understood.

- Healing the masculine -

Sexual Abuse Trauma Recovery & Healing

In this service, I offer a full-circle, holistic support service offering unwavering, non-judgmental, compassionate healing & guidance by removing any negative energy that is not in alignment with honoring or protecting the integrity of your divine Sovereign freedom, free will, and divine innocence, allows us to transmute and heal past traumas and blockages.


By using a synergy of techniques such as:

- Soul retrievals & returns of energy,

- Spiritual and energetic hygiene, protection and healing routines, cord-cutting, and purification,

- Timeline restoration & healing;

- Removal of capping, contracts, bindings, or hooks from the energy field of the body in all timelines and dimensions;

- Sexual energy healing restoration and rehabilitation;

- Inner-child work and shadow-work; parts-work & integration combined with cognitive awareness and mastery of self


This will bring true liberation and freedom to our body-mind, and spirit here and now in reclaiming organic erotic pleasure, restoring heart-based intimacy, and repairing healthy sexual bonding. To heal to male and female principles, and unite our energetic bodies back into connection and energetic wholeness, together we will have to confront and face the pain of your deep sexual wounds.

- Healing the masculine -

Father Wound Trauma

Healing Session

This service allows you to be cleansed of all past trauma done to you by any father/male figures in your past or present and to clear the the paternal ancestral lineage as well. Anything that has been passed down through generations still exists in your DNA and is “stuck” in your light body; breaking free from stagnate, heavy, blocked, unprocessed energies, patterns, curses, false ideals, and false authority within your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body.

The process allows for the removal of any negative energy that is not in alignment with honoring or protecting the integrity of your divine Sovereign's freedom and divine innocence.

This wound healing is directed towards healing the divine masculine energy within you; restoring it to its original blueprint by using a combination of techniques suited and tailored to your needs. It also encompasses healing your inner child, removing the old distorted, inverted false masculine template that you adopted from your primary caregivers and or surroundings when you were young that might not reflect your true essence. We will remove that and allow you to see and adopt your true essence holding it and healing it with the organic divine masculine & Devine father template.

Healing any unhealthy patterns that we have with ourselves and others. To then create strong and healthier ones that empowers us and meet our needs.

This service caters to both father-daughter or father-son inner healing.

- Healing the feminine -

Mother Wound Trauma

Healing Session

This service allows you to be cleansed of all past trauma done to you by any mother/female figures in your past or present and to clear the maternal ancestral lineage as well. Anything that has been passed down through generations still exists in your DNA and is “stuck” in your light body; breaking free from stagnate, heavy, blocked, unprocessed energies, patterns, curses, false ideals, and false authority within your physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual body.

The process allows for the removal of any negative energy that is not in alignment with honoring or protecting the integrity of your divine Sovereign's freedom and divine innocence.

This wound healing is directed towards healing the divine feminine energy within you; restoring it to its original blueprint by using a combination of techniques suited and tailored to your needs. It also encompasses healing your inner child, removing the old distorted, inverted false feminine template that you adopted from your primary caregivers and or surroundings when you were young that might not reflect your true essence. We will remove that and allow you to see and adopt your true essence holding it and healing it with the organic divine feminine & Devine mother template.

Healing any unhealthy patterns that we have with ourselves and others. To then create stronger and healthier ones that empowers us and meet our needs.

This service caters to both mother-daughter or mother-son inner healing.

- Inner child work & womb/birth trauma healing -

The Primal Wound

(Early Childhood Trauma)

This service can help heal traumas such as:

  • Adoption trauma

  • Foster care trauma

  • Early separation; twin loss in the womb

  • Birth trauma

  • Separation

  • Abandonment trauma

  • Nurturing & nursery deprivation trauma

  • Early subconscious infancy trauma recovery and healing.

Dream Analysis

I facilitate through dream interpretations of the selves in the dreams and what that says about your inner workings.

Dream analysis can bring forth a lot of clarity and understanding and how we see ourselves and the world around us.

- Loss of child -

Maternal Grief & Womb Healing

This service can help to heal:

- Miscarriage;

- Stillborn;

- Post-birth infant death & postpartum depression.

Post-Traumatic Stress Holistic Recovery Treatment

Anyone who has experienced trauma will know that it can be very emotionally painful and can elicit feelings of terror, shame, helplessness, loss of self, and powerlessness. These can bring on panic attacks and severe anxiety. People respond to trauma in different ways. The same event may be more traumatic for some people than for others. Here I offer a full-circle, holistic support service offering unwavering, non-judgmental, compassionate guidance.

If you are experiencing flashbacks, panic attacks, nightmares, and severe anxiety, as well as uncontrollable thoughts about a traumatic event, this treatment may help you.

I am using the very techniques that have helped me through my challenges and healing process. I am here to guide you and support you so you can attain an understanding of your inner and outer worlds and bridge the gap between your conscious and subconscious minds. You can find yourself again and reunite your whole consciousness with your authentic true self. By caring, loving, nurturing, and healing all parts of yourself, you can be empowered & safe in your sovereignty.

PTSS Melanin Healing

Post-traumatic slave syndrome is a multi-generational trauma that can be passed down from generation to generation. There is a residual emotional, mental, and traumatic impact that can elicit a variety of survival behaviors and fears.


These could include appropriate adaptations when living in a hostile environment which continues to be repeated to this day through generations. This syndrome can manifest behaviors such as exaggerated startles; outbursts of anger; feelings of foreshortened future; overstimulated fight or flight responses and being in constant survival mode.


The impacts of elevated stress on health and the consequences that impair the body’s ability to operate its own immune system can compromise the overall systematic body function. Other symptoms of PTSS include a lack of self-worth, misconstrued self-identity, feeling insecure and unsafe in your environment, and heightened fears of a multitude of circumstances.


A lack of empathy and understanding from those who have not had a similar history creates further trauma.

Multi-Generational Trauma Healing

Family pathology flows from generation to generation like the waves in the ocean, until one person in one generation has the courage to turn and face the tides. That person brings peace to his ancestors and spares the children that follow.

Every generation has its own story and its own injuries. If the pain stopped there, it would be the end of the tale. Sometimes it does work like that. But often it doesn’t because holistic healing is the cure. Pain is transmitted from one generation to the next, and to the one beyond that, and so on and the cycle repeats itself. As we know from Epigenetics, this legacy of trauma gets into our very DNA.

The transmission of multi-generational trauma effects is not only psychological, familial, social, and cultural, but could be neurobiological and possibly even genetic as well. Also, stress during pregnancy can be transmitted across generations biologically through the uterine environment and sperm which might interfere directly with the normal developmental program in utero.

Collective Historical Trauma

This service caters to healing you as a part of the whole collective consciousness. It also helps to differentiate between what belongs to you personally in this lifetime and what doesn’t; what belongs to your generational collective consciousness and the earth’s collective consciousness; and what consciousness belongs to the earth’s consciousness and what doesn’t.


Furthermore, the knowledge gained with my guidance will facilitate a smooth transition in your awakening process. Humanity as a collective consciousness has a lot of historical and generational traumas and we need to first awaken and heal ourselves in order to be able to heal and awaken the collective. By doing so, we collectively choose a different timeline for Gaia and for humanity’s consciousness and future generations.

- Reparenting yourself -

Inner Child Work

Inner child work, also referred to as inner child healing, is a way to address our needs that haven’t been met as children and heal the attachment wounds we’ve developed. We all have a younger part of ourselves that was “never quite loved the right way or the way they needed as a child,” 

Inner child work, like any type of inner work, involves creating a space where your subconscious is allowed to take the lead. 


The innocent minds of children are like sponges, absorbing what our environment gives us and what caretakers teach and treat us, and how they treat us. Inner child wounds, or attachment wounds, can occur when there is either a traumatic event or chronic rupture without repair.


For children, a rupture without repair can look like crying out for help but being unheard by an emotionally unavailable caretaker can deepen the wound. Ruptures also happen in our daily lives throughout adulthood, from when someone forgets to hold the door open for us at the store or when a friend doesn’t say hi to us. How we internalize them determines if the experience stays a wound or if it becomes processed right there and then.


As adults, we walk around carrying wounds from our childhood, whether they are simple or complex, from emotional neglect to physical abuse. Many adults feel they’re alone with these hurts and feelings, and so they cover them up because they feel like that’s “what other grown-ups do.” 

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